
Dream Oracle

  Late last year, I woke up from a dream, hearing the phrase, "You are the Dream Oracle now." In the dream, I'd been giving a male child a reading using playing cards. The playing cards were unique, however. I recall the first card presenting was the seven of wands. The second card was an inverted six of snowflakes. The...[ read more ]

Dream Sychronicities

One of the many cool things that happens with the more trauma a person works through, is the development (or remembrance of) various spiritual gifts and abilities. Of of the gifts that has come online for me, is prophecy or synchronicity through dreams. There is something very magical that happens with me, every time I travel somewhere special. I start...[ read more ]

Dark Man Archetype: From Nightmare to Initiation

Carl Jung once said of dreams, "They do not deceive, they do not lie, they do not distort nor disguise...They are invariably seeking to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand." I have been a dreamer all of my life.  From the time of early childhood, I can recall both sleep dreams and day dreams...[ read more ]

Vision Boards as a Tool for Growth

November is a great month for reflection.  The spirit of gratitude surrounds us, providing the opportunity for high vibrational contemplation. When we contemplate our accomplishments for the year and express gratitude for those opportunities, it opens our hearts to the universal flow of abundance.  In order to create abundance, we must first align ourselves with the universe.  An easy way...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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