
How to Be the Love You Seek (A Review)

Today I want to discuss Dr, Nicole LePera's new book, How to be the Love You Seek. This book is full of practical tips and exercises to get to know yourself more intimately. Through that knowingness, we can learn to love ourselves and through that self love, we become the love (internally) we have always been seeking (externally). Everything about...[ read more ]

Serving Self to Serve Others

People pleasing is a theme that's coming up and causing quite a stir this week.  People pleasing is the idea that one person has to bend to the Will of another in other to keep the other person happy, content, quiet, satiated, etc.  Most of the time this is an unspoken, unwritten rule in relationships.  In other words, person 1 isn't saying...[ read more ]

Journey with Acupuncture

  I had never felt a shift like this in the vibration of my body before.  The first time I tried acupuncture, was about ten years ago.  I was on vacation with my family and someone suggested we go in for a treatment.  Curious about it, I decided to be treated.  I am happy I did! The practitioner sensed that...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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