
Signs & Symbols & Trust in Self

Integration is an important aspect of anything we venture into in this life. For example, reading books, studying and learning new things can be interesting, exciting, and fun, however when we don't allow ourselves the space and time to really integrate the knowledge, it never transforms to wisdom. Same thing with therapy. If we make leaps and bounds of progress,...[ read more ]

New Podcast Interview!

  I had my first podcast interview last week! It's been such an exciting time of growth and change. For a while now, I've been getting the message to be myself and embrace my uniqueness. For a long time, I think that's posed more of a challenge to me. As humans, I think it's natural to want to fit in....[ read more ]

Spirituality in Relationships

It might be said that the most complicated aspect of life as a human involves relationships.  When our relationships are great, they're great, and when they're not, they're not.  The people we are in relationships with have the potential to be our greatest, most profound teachers, if only we have ears to hear and eyes to see. I am reading A...[ read more ]

Rooting Out Judgments & Beliefs

Wishing everyone blessings for the transition to Autumn!!  The Equinox was September 22nd and it is starting to feel like Autumn where we are! As the leaves start to die off, and the outter landscape changes, so too, does our inner landscape rearrange as well.  Let the falling leaves be a reminder that it's ok to let go, to let things...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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