Love More, Fear Less

There is Nothing to Fear.  This is lesson 48 in A Course in Miracles.  I feel like it’s an especially important message for this week, as the chaos in the macro continues to unfold.

As humans, we are inundated by experiences, events, messages, situations, which cause us to fear.  When we fear past mistakes, we are living through a lens of depression.  When we fear what will come in the future, we are living through a lens of anxiety.  Either way, the Ego is at the forefront, entrapping us in an unnatural and certainly uncomfortable state of being-ness.

These lenses are illusory.  The only purpose they serve is to awaken to Truth (that which is Love).

When people lead with Ego, they are leading astray.  Ego is divisive.  Divisiveness thrives in an environment of fear.  To be divided is to attack and to attack is to move away from God, from the Truth of whom we actually are.  A part of the Whole.

There have been great teachers to walk among us.  Their teachings can be found in a variety of sources.  The message is one of Love and Unity.  In order to change the state of the world, we have to start within.  This means examining how we, as individuals, contribute to the greater discord.  A great place to start is with the following journaling exercise.  Contemplate and ask the Self the following questions-

In what ways do I attack myself?
In what ways to I attack others?
Are the thoughts I am having creating more Love or greater division?
Are the behaviors I am exhibiting creating more Love or greater division?
In what ways am I able to stay present in each and every moment?
What tools can I use to create presence of mind?  What do I find helpful vs hurtful?
Do I love myself enough to look at my brother/sister and recognize the ALL (Source/God/the Universe/Complete and total Love, Compassion, & Understanding)?  If not, how can I get there?

The world needs Love now more than ever and that starts within.  There is nothing to fear.

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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