
Having gone through a variety of personal struggles myself, I know how difficult it can be to ask for help! Simultaneously, it’s easier to tackle the challenges life presents us with, when we have the support that we need! My passion is helping others to stretch, grow, and evolve through compassionate support and guidance during times of need. My primary experience is spiritual growth, development, and expansion. If you’ve gone “off” track in some way, I specialize in helping you connect with the tools you need to get yourself back “on” track. The human experience is multidimensional. When we’ve gone off track, there are usually layers of factors which contribute to the presenting problem. I like to look at the mind, emotions, physical body, and the spirit as pieces of a larger puzzle which when fit together create a whole image, the bigger picture. When one aspect is out of whack, there will be correlating aspects which need to be addressed. When all aspects are addressed, it’s easier to work through the root cause, which leads to growth and allows a person to flourish and bloom. My life’s purpose involves empowering others to awaken to their soul’s fullest potential.

I graduated from St. Edward’s University with a BA in Social Work in 1999. I went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Social Work in 2000. I went through clinical supervision programs at the University of Texas and the University of North Texas. I am a mother of three children, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Reiki Master, and an initiate of the Nine Rites of the Munay Ki (Peruvian shamanic Rites). I spent 5 years working with abused & neglected children, through the TDFPS. Naturally, I became adept at teaching children & families about peaceful parenting and healing from trauma. From there, I continued my work with abused/neglected children, writing home assessments on prospective foster/adoptive parents. I later transitioned into a supervisory role prior to beginning my own practice. I have written and published a book, Yoga Kids: From Acro to Zen, contributed to Reiki News Magazine, and currently write parenting articles for Marriage.com.

I present an eclectic means for achieving therapeutic/life goals which include meditation, mindfulness, energy work, EFT, EMDR, intuitive guidance & visualization in addition to more traditional methods.

Contact Today

1703 Peyco Drive North Suite A2
Arlington, TX 76001

(817) 854-4991

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