EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. According to the EMDR Institute, EMDR is a “psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.” It was discovered in the 1980’s when Francine Shapiro noticed it helped her in alleviating the distress she was experiencing due to traumatic memories resurfacing.

EMDR is an evidenced-based treatment which falls under the umbrella of Adaptive Information Processing. Anytime we experience a trauma, information is stored within the brain and cells of the body. We can remember sights, sounds, smells, and body sensations all associated with an event. When these memories are either not processed, or processed maladaptively, people can have an experience in the present, which triggers these memories from the past, keeping the person stuck in a loop of maladaptive thinking, feeling, believing, and behaving. Once the memories are processed, through the use of bilateral stimulation (eye movements, tapping, or sound), the brain is able to reorganize the information, thereby desensitizing the body/mind, and enabling the person to experience the freedom of living in the present moment, unbound by past experiences.

The eye movements used in this treatment are said to create a similar effect to that produced during the REM stage of sleep. The brain re-processes the information, from the very root which created the problem. While it may seem daunting to have to go through memories, EMDR is a structured, safe, effective, evidenced-based therapy. EMDR allows for one to remain fully grounded in the present moment, ensuring the avoidance of additional trauma. And, you don’t have to go into any detail, as the details are not as important as the overall feelings, thoughts, and sensations.

EMDR is especially effective in people who have PTSD and can also be useful for people who have Anxiety, Phobias, Mood Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Grief, Addiction, Low Self Esteem, and Depression. People are generally able to recover physically and emotionally much quicker using EMDR than traditional talk therapy which can take years to process life events verbally.

Resources for more information on EMDR-

EMDR Intensives

EMDR intensives are scheduled in 4-5 hour blocks of time over the course of 4-5 days, which allows the overall EMDR treatment to be condensed. The longer appointment time allows time for the central nervous system to fully relax into the process, which can be very beneficial for people who experience some resistance or parts who establish “walls” or “blocks” to treatment. EMDR intensives allow for clients to move through traumas more quickly than weekly or biweekly appointments allow. This can be great for clients who are taking a leave of absence from work or school due to a trauma and have a “timeline” for making progress which allows for the increase of function in a shorter amount of time. EMDR intensives are exclusive to self pay clients (as they are not covered by insurance). They are typically scheduled for a minimum of 20 hours or 4-5 sessions which can occur on consecutive or non-consecutive days. EMDR intensives are great for people with C-PTSD anyone who has experienced acute trauma, or wants to be seen in person and is highly motivated to work through things in the past contributing to loss of function and/or uncomfortable symptoms in the present.

Please contact me to schedule your EMDR session today!

Contact Today

1703 Peyco Drive North Suite A2
Arlington, TX 76001

(817) 854-4991

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