Non-Sleep Deep Relaxation

A new friend of mine recently introduced me to Non-Sleep Deep Relaxation and I want to share this information with you all. It’s a great way to relax at the end of the day, or during times of high stress.

NSDR was developed by a neuroscientist from Stanford, named Andrew Huberman. NSDR is a deep relaxation technique which has been shown to slow the brain waves down, allowing a person to go from sympathetic nervous system activation, to parasympathetic (or “rest and digest”).

It’s reported to increase dopamine, decreasing blood pressure and reducing heart rate, which puts the body in a deep state of relaxation.

Some of the potential benefits include:
-Reduced pain
-Lowered blood pressure
-Reduction in inflammation
-Improved sleep
-Reduction of symptoms like depression, anxiety, and negative emotions such as anger

Try it here and let me know what you think!

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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