Munay Ki Classes

I started my awakening in 2009, shortly after my cousin, whom I was very close to, died by suicide. I overheard the priest at his mother’s church telling his mother that my cousin was unworthy of a Catholic funeral (due to the way in which he ended his life) and he would be relegated to the church chapel for the service/memorial. It was in that very moment, that my feeling out of resonance with the Catholic Church cemented in my BE-ing.

Catholicism is all I knew, however, and so my quest to discover whom I am and what I am doing on this planet began. I was in the depth of grief, seemingly experiencing all of the emotions/stages at once and feeling lost all at the same time. Another cousin had completed A Course In Miracles and suggested I do that. She also recommended I try Reiki.

It took me three months to find the right Reiki Master to learn from and I spent an entire year working ACIM and three years studying and practicing Reiki, developing Mastery. Both helped to completely reset and cleanse my brain of the programming which was wrought with guilt, confusion, and shame I’d received from the teachings/programming/conditioning of the Church.

On the other side, with newfound clarity, I wanted to take my practice deeper. I’m not sure how I came across the Munay Ki, but I am certain it was synchronous. My mom wanted to complete it with me. We drove an hour each way for 9 weeks straight as we delved into the material, because it felt that important and compelling.

As I’d sit in class, receive the attunements, and traverse the peaks and valleys of the journeys, I felt a depth of understanding (both of myself and the world around me), that finally felt like it resonated (for me, more than any teaching I’d ever received in the Church). Finally, I was experiencing what I felt on a cellular level to be in resonance, in Truth, in Light, free of hypocrisy, judgement and guilt/shame. The knowledge just IS.

After taking the class once to receive the Rites, I took it a second time to learn how to teach/attune it. Munay Ki is life changing and a good fit for those feeling lost, confused, let down by Church programming, or anyone wanting to deeply connect with their own inner healing and take their spiritual practice next level.

In the 9 Rites, students learn to connect with their own inner Healer. It is that connection that assists students in transforming their physical body into a lighter, more crystalline version of Self; in other words, it assists a person in evolving. I have experienced it as a “fast-track” in my own personal evolution. I developed intuitive skills and an ability to perceive what is happening inside of another person when they come to me feeling out of balance. I am able to perceive what they need to rebalance. It’s helped me connect with land, Earth, and elements, and I can now hear the wind whispering to me. I’ve been able to see and hear trees and the messages they want to convey. I am now aware of how to create DMT (the God molecule) in my brain through journey alone, and without the use of any plant medicines; I’ve learned powerful ceremonies which can be used for protection, clearing, healing, or calling in thing I want to manifest. So, so, so much more.

To clarify, shamanism is not a religion and as such is compatible with religious beliefs, so long as one has an open mind/heart. Shamanism a way of Be-ing. It’s seeing the Beauty in ALL, through the eyes of the heart (in perfect alignment with Jesus’ teaching). It’s a shift in perception, which generates a deep healing. Shamanism means understanding the sentience in everything. It’s a deep understanding of the cosmic and microcosmic.

For more detailed information on the classes, please see my website: I highly recommend reading through this message, reading through the website, and if you FEEL it in your body, register. You can also meditate or dream to discover whether this is the pathway forward for you.

Registration is open through March 1st. All that’s needed is a text or e-mail confirmation letting me know you’ll be joining us and paying $80 for the first class in order to reserve your spot. Class schedule will be determined by the students once everyone is registered. (This class is only offered once a year in the spring).

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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