The Cacao Ceremony is a simple ritual, which can be easily replicated and is suitable for people of all walks of life. Cacao is a bean which grows on trees native to Central and South Americas. It’s said to be a “superfood” as a portion contains more antioxidants than blueberries. It also contains iron, calcium, and magnesium which the body needs to maintain balance. In addition, Cacao is a notable source of flavonoids, which help support the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, Cacao contains theobromine, a bitter alkaloid similar to caffeine thought to boost moods and energy.
For ceremony, the Cacao is blended with water, a dash of oatmilk, and some maple syrup for sweetness. It is believed that the plant contains medicinal properties, so every aspect is considered sacred. The Cacao plants are loved and nurtured on their indigenous lands, they are harvested with love, care, and mindfulness. When the drink is prepared, it is prepared with intention and love. From beginning to end, it’s treated with great reverence, which adds an energetic component as well.
The drink is consumed warm, after the body/mind is prepared and purified through a series of breathwork exercises. Participants blow their intentions into the drink, then consume. As the Cacao works it’s way into the body and energy systems, participants are invited to relax and let go. Participants are then guided on a journey, where self-discovery awaits! Cacao has the potential to be a guide and gateway to help each one of us embrace the compass and depth of our heart as a starting point for profound healing and remembrance.
The theobromine contained within the Cacao allows the blood vessels of the vascular system to relax, release, and open up. This creates a loving sensation in the body and allows for an opening of the heart chakra. This opening creates space for expansion and the wisdom in our own hearts to come through more clearly. It increases the magnetic energy field of our heart space. Working in groups with Cacao allows for participants to enjoy a shared experience of elevated mood, increased vitality, enhanced intuition and empathy, and a more open and present heart.
Cacao ceremonies are offered monthly in the office. If you’d like to be added to the evite list to be informed about dates/times, please use the contact button and request to be added. Cacao ceremonies can also be completed one on one through a private session if anyone would like to use Cacao to explore traumatic events. Private Cacao ceremonies can also be requested for small groups for a separate fee.