
Presence of Mind

Nearly everyone I see these days is complaining of an overactive mind.  They seek ways to reduce the anxiety it causes.  I recall once reading that humans cannot go without food (or will perish) for three weeks, water for three days, breath for three minutes, but thinking- three seconds. Chew on that.  The mind is bringing up a thought every three...[ read more ]

Transcending an Overactive Mind

  I've been thinking a lot about thinking this week.  A lot of people who come to me for assistance have an overactive mental aspect; meaning they cannot shut off their mind.  They go to bed thinking thoughts, they wake up each morning, thinking thoughts, and most have difficulty with meditation due to intrusive thoughts.  Intrusive thoughts are any thoughts...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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