New Podcast Interview!


I had my first podcast interview last week! It’s been such an exciting time of growth and change. For a while now, I’ve been getting the message to be myself and embrace my uniqueness. For a long time, I think that’s posed more of a challenge to me. As humans, I think it’s natural to want to fit in. There is something primal and innate about wanting to create a sense of inner safety, which means blending in (to a degree).

I recall a time in high school when my peers starting calling me “weird” and a “witch” because my visual perception was so strong, that I knew and sensed things about people before they disclosed anything to me. Because of my childhood, I developed a keen sense of how to read people. I knew how people were feeling, even when they didn’t know themselves.

This fear of not blending or fitting in is primal because way back when, if a person was outcasted from their tribe or society, it meant death (if not physical, certainly emotionally). I didn’t realize how inherent the thought virus was (inside of myself) until I started noticing physical symptoms in my body, which led me to an understanding of the emotional root- fear.

When I was asked to be on the show, I knew I needed to. My soul yearned to branch out and put myself “out there” in a way I haven’t before. It feels like the right time. My body, on the other hand, created a sense of nervousness. All day, I was thinking about what I would say, how I would say it, how I would maintain a degree of mindfulness so as not to say anything I would later regret. I questioned myself.

The people around me were picking up on my nervousness. TWO of my children asked me to day of, “Are you scared?” The could FEEL that energy of excitement. I explained to each of them (separately) that there was some fear of the unknown, but it was mostly excitement. I then realized just how easily (and unknowingly) we project our emotions out into the environment around us!

When we realize we are projecting our emotions, we can create energetic boundaries. Literally imagining a bubble of light which captures everything that’s emoting out. We can ground the energies down into the Earth too (kind of like imagining we are a lightening rod and have a cord of energy that digs deeply into the center of the Earth). I can also accept responsibility for those projections, by acknowledging that my emotions are impacting others and letting them know I’m sorry and am doing something about it. I can also help them ground what they are feeling down into the Earth in the same way, or reminding them they can put up a shield and not take into their bodies what they are feeling in their environment. All are important lessons!

Anyhow, once I was in the interview, any fears I had flew out the window. I had a great time. I feel like the conversation flowed relatively well and easily. I was definitely buzzing with energy afterwards and even the entirety of the following day!

I’d love for y’all to check it out and tell me what you think! He’s invited me back to do a second interview, so if you have any feedback about what you’d like to hear me discuss, I’m open to hearing it!

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