
Tips for Working Through Seasonal Affective Disorder

  Seasonal Affective Disorder is defined by the Mayo Clinic as "a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons and begins and ends at about the same time each year."  Symptoms of SAD can include feelings of depression, loss of interest, changes in weight or appetite, difficulty sleeping, increased irritability, low energy, difficulty with concentration, and even suicidal ideation. ...[ read more ]

Journey with Cacao

  There are many both traditional, and untraditional paths to healing and personal growth/development. Recently, a good friend and I traveled to Denver for some R&R.  We were looking for experiences where we could connect with our joy.  I definitely found mine on a journey with Cacao. Cacao, yes, you're reading that right.  It's the fundamental building block to traditional...[ read more ]

The Dance of the Empath/Narcissist

  As an empathic person, I tend to attract empaths to my practice.  Many people who are going through the a spiritual awakening process now, identify with the term- empath.  An empath is someone who is sensitive.  We have a developed heart center and tend to be nurturing, kind-hearted, and empathetic.  We can feel what others are feeling, which can...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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