

There are several really great online summits occurring in the next few weeks. One is the Holistic Healer's Summit. Last week, I heard one of David Berceli's student's speak. David Berceli developed a protocol for releasing trauma from the body using a series of simple exercises that nearly every person can achieve. His protocol, TRE (Trauma Release Exercise) assists by activating...[ read more ]

Releasing with EMDR

Ever the optimist, I hold a vision of the future where children are taught the healing arts at the elementary school level and everyone on this beautiful planet has access to the tools required for human growth, development, and evolution. One of the tools accessible to all today, is a type of therapy called EMDR.  EMDR was discovered in the...[ read more ]

Letting Go Through Ceremony

In modern society, it is easy to forget about or become disconnected from the natural rhythms of life.  Shiny distractions abound and unless we take conscious time and space to disconnect from technology and build an inner connection; we can feel lost, alone, and even depressed. Most people notice the seasons change, in order to dress accordingly, but many of us aren't...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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