
How to Be the Love You Seek (A Review)

Today I want to discuss Dr, Nicole LePera's new book, How to be the Love You Seek. This book is full of practical tips and exercises to get to know yourself more intimately. Through that knowingness, we can learn to love ourselves and through that self love, we become the love (internally) we have always been seeking (externally). Everything about...[ read more ]

Working with the Inner Child

This is a continuation of the Shadow Part message from a few weeks ago. I went into detail about ego parts and how they are formed and affect us throughout our lifetimes. Another part most people haven't integrated fully is the Inner Child part. The Inner Child tends to hold all of the wounds from childhood (generally at the age...[ read more ]

The Dance of the Empath/Narcissist

  As an empathic person, I tend to attract empaths to my practice.  Many people who are going through the a spiritual awakening process now, identify with the term- empath.  An empath is someone who is sensitive.  We have a developed heart center and tend to be nurturing, kind-hearted, and empathetic.  We can feel what others are feeling, which can...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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