
Back to Nature Intensive Reflections/Integration

Eeeek! I have SO much to say about the inaugural Back to Nature (one day intensive) this week! I know time is precious, so I'll (try to) keep it concise! I am super grateful to Elyssa for the idea and inviting me to collaborate with her. I am also deeply grateful for all of the precious and powerful women who...[ read more ]

Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Happy Thursday, everyone! I'm happy and grateful to announce that I attendedĀ A.R.T. training this weekend and am able to now offer A.R.T. sessions! If you're not familiar with ART- it stands for Accelerated Resolution Therapy. I liken it to EMDR on steroids! The quote they use to describe it is "Keep the knowledge, lose the pain." The process is considered...[ read more ]

Digestion & Integration

I had the good fortune to travel out of town over the weekend with my husband, sans kids, for some much needed rest and relaxation. On the day we left, I was doing my yoga practice and while lying on the floor in shivasana, I started thinking about life and the meaning of life. I thought about how life is...[ read more ]

Psychedelic Integration

The extent of my personal experience with psychedelics is quite shallow and limited to a handful of times with MDMA back in the day. Since that time, however, I have been very interested in the use and application of psychedelics as a healing modality. I've satiated my curiosity through the years by following the major studies being published. My interested...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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