
Life Lessons

A couple of weeks ago, I travelled to another city, thinking I was going to do medicine ceremony, but instead pivoted last minute, to spend time with a family friend. (If you're new to the newsletter and want to get caught up, explore prior posts here: ). This cherished friend reminded me of the importance of Human Design. (Details...[ read more ]

Non-Sleep Deep Relaxation

A new friend of mine recently introduced me to Non-Sleep Deep Relaxation and I want to share this information with you all. It's a great way to relax at the end of the day, or during times of high stress. NSDR was developed by a neuroscientist from Stanford, named Andrew Huberman. NSDR is a deep relaxation technique which has been...[ read more ]

Signs & Symbols & Trust in Self

Integration is an important aspect of anything we venture into in this life. For example, reading books, studying and learning new things can be interesting, exciting, and fun, however when we don't allow ourselves the space and time to really integrate the knowledge, it never transforms to wisdom. Same thing with therapy. If we make leaps and bounds of progress,...[ read more ]

Women’s One Day Retreat (in Glenrose, TX)

This is a one day retreat for women in Glenrose, TX on Sunday November 10, 2024. I will be co-hosting with two other wonderful women, facilitating the Cacao Ceremony. This retreat is $115 and takes place from 9:30am-5:30pm. It includes lunch. We will be spending the day on sacred land, being intentional and mindful. It's a great opportunity to connect...[ read more ]

How to Be the Love You Seek (A Review)

Today I want to discuss Dr, Nicole LePera's new book, How to be the Love You Seek. This book is full of practical tips and exercises to get to know yourself more intimately. Through that knowingness, we can learn to love ourselves and through that self love, we become the love (internally) we have always been seeking (externally). Everything about...[ read more ]


There are several really great online summits occurring in the next few weeks. One is the Holistic Healer's Summit. Last week, I heard one of David Berceli's student's speak. David Berceli developed a protocol for releasing trauma from the body using a series of simple exercises that nearly every person can achieve. His protocol, TRE (Trauma Release Exercise) assists by activating...[ read more ]

Working with the Inner Child

This is a continuation of the Shadow Part message from a few weeks ago. I went into detail about ego parts and how they are formed and affect us throughout our lifetimes. Another part most people haven't integrated fully is the Inner Child part. The Inner Child tends to hold all of the wounds from childhood (generally at the age...[ read more ]


Over a year ago, I had my first intentional journey with psychedelics (as part of a 50 hour training in order to learn assist my clients through their own experiences). In the journey, I had a vision of a tiger, who provided an opportunity to merge and move as tiger moves. Initially, I only saw the eye of the tiger....[ read more ]

Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice! This is my favorite day of the year, as it represents the Light lengthening the day to the point where there is more daylight than night time. Symbolically, it represents illumination. (Have you seen the Schumann readings the past few days?!!) I was on IG this morning and saw this post by a therapist I follow. It...[ read more ]

Digestion & Integration

I had the good fortune to travel out of town over the weekend with my husband, sans kids, for some much needed rest and relaxation. On the day we left, I was doing my yoga practice and while lying on the floor in shivasana, I started thinking about life and the meaning of life. I thought about how life is...[ read more ]

601 Strada Circle Ste. 101
Mansfield, TX 76063
(817) 854-4991

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